Sunday, 27 December 2015

A Very Happy Christmas Was had By All

Well leading up to christmas we finished getting one or two other small gifts for the family. We got the food and drinks in and checked that we had everything we needed for the big day.
On christmas eve at 4.00 pm our eldest son Justin arrived and one hour later our youngest son Sam and his fiancee  Rachel arrived. We are so pleased to see them, we have missed seeing them and at this time of year it was really wonderful the family was together.

We had a lovely evening meal which consisted of a cooked ham and veg and cheese sauce, it's become a bit of a family tradition to cook a ham on christmas eve and we all thoroughly enjoyed it.

As we had been all really good this last year and we knew Father Christmas would be visiting us we were not too late to bed (11.40 ish) with the knowledge that Father Christmas would visit.
Christmas morning we enjoyed a late breakfast before opening the presents.
We were all very pleased with the gifts we received.

Look What Father Christmas Left Us. 
Justin Waiting To Open Some Presents.
L to R Rachel, Sam Sharon & Eddy, Me And Justin
We had brought a Turkey crown for christmas dinner and we sat down to a wonderful meal which was enjoyed by all.
In the afternoon we played a game we had brought called Pie Face, it really is a very funny game (look it up on youtube) We all got splatted with the cream. Sharon has put a video on her facebook page.

Boxing morning and we all went in to Banbury in the morning, it was a sad day as our eldest son had to leave at lunch time as he has work boxing night. On Sunday we also said our goodbyes to Sam and Rachel as they had to leave as well.

It has been a really wonderful time with the family but very sad to have to say goodbye to them all.
I don't think we will see them again until our wonderful adventure has come to its end around March time. Thank goodness for skype.

On a positive note we have some very dear friends Roger & Anita coming to see us on the 29th for a night and then on New Year's Eve my cousin Johnny is visiting for a couple of days.


  1. Hi. We met up with you at Easter, when we were "practising" on a hire boat prior to taking up our boatshare with Carefree. I have been following your adventures ever since, and have really enjoyed reading the blog. We really hope to follow in your footsteps one day. A belated Happy New Year, and best wishes for the remainder of your trip.

    Louise and Andy

    1. Hi Louise & Andy, lovely to hear from you. Happy New Year to you both. We have had a truly wonderful time and am glad you have enjoyed reading our blog.
      Hope alls going well with Carefree and that your loving the times you go out cruising. Please remind me where we met I think it was the Buckby locks Sharon thinks it was stoke bruerne or we may both be wrong.


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